The theory of creation

Q: The theory of creation in the scriptures seems to contradict the theory of evolution according to Charles Darwin. Could you talk about which one to believe?

Guruji: Which theory of creation that you are thinking is contradictory? Actually the whole world is just appearance. It appears to be so. You should read Yoga Vashishtha. You will get more idea about it.

When you keep a spoon inside the water, half of the spoon appears to be bent. If you ask me when did the spoon bend, what do I say? It didn’t bend, it appears so. When does it start to appear like that? It appears like that anytime! Similarly, this idea of something got created at one point of time itself is erroneous, because the whole Universe is an appearance in Consciousness. When did the mirage get created? What do you say? It never got created; it appears to be like that!

Like a tennis ball for example. Where is the beginning of a tennis ball? It never begins in the first place. Can a ball begin somewhere or end somewhere? Every point is the beginning and every point is an end. That’s why this Universe is called ‘Anaadi’ (beginningless) and ‘Ananta’ (endless).

Usually our thinking is linear – everything should begin and everything should end somewhere. But when you go into higher knowledge, it is about appearance rather than beginning or ending. This is the beauty of Vedanta philosophy, this is how it is different from all other theories that we think of the world.

See if you go to Hawaii which is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, miles and miles all around there is nothing. Now if someone starts researching – how did a coconut plant come there? Someone will say, ‘Oh from Malaysia, maybe a coconut fell in the water, it travelled all the way to the Hawaiian Island and then it became a tree’. There is no proof for this, but yes, all the fauna and flora are present in Hawaiian Islands. There are many trees, and people were also there.

So, to me it seems very absurd when people say that the first human being was born in Africa and then he travelled to Constantinople, and from there Aryans came and invaded India, and so on. All these theories are rubbish because we want to see one point from where the tennis ball began. If you see from a quantum physicist’s or from a real rational scientific view point, you will find that in the whole creation things have happened in many places simultaneously. Nature can make a coconut plant grow in Kerala and in Hawaii at the same time! It doesn’t have to export a coconut from Kerala all the way to Hawaii or vice-versa!

Now they have found that there is water on the surface of Moon and Mars. Somebody will come up with a theory that at some point of time the Moon became a part of the Earth and then water came from there, because we try to think linear.

We have to think spherical, then things will make much more sense.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

What can nature teach us about being happy?-3

8. Make time to rest

Some people I know are always doing something. They rarely take time-out to relax. They told me what they do; it was exhausting! Full-time work, after-hours study, taking their kids to and from sport miles away from home and more. I’m worried they could get burn-out if they don’t make an effort to relax more.
We all need rest. Meditation, day dreaming and the like are vital to restore our energy levels. Add regular chill-out time to your day and watch your energy and happiness levels improve. A few fifteen minute breaks throughout the day might be all you need.
Animals in the wild rest – they do not work full-on without a break while they are awake. Learn from them.
… Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
– Lao Tzu

9. Make time to enjoy ourselves

Many animals play and have fun; it adds extra happiness to their lives. Remember the importance of putting regular time aside to enjoy ourselves. Sport, recreation, laughter and happy times with friends and family add years to our life and life to our years.

10. Accept that loss is part of life

Loss is a normal part of life. After a loss, it’s important to look to the future and, in time, move on and make the most of our lives.
When we lose something it can open-up the door to new opportunities. Look for the opportunities rather than focusing on what we have lost.
… For happiness, one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair.”
– Anne Morrow Lindbergh, American writer and aviation pioneer
… There’s always hope as every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.”
– Author Unknown


We can learn a variety of lessons from nature to help us be happier. Aim for balance in our lives while continually aiming to learn and improve. Make regular time to rest and to enjoy ourselves. Be adaptable to change, and be patient with getting results from our plans and ideas. Find and value whatever our purpose is. Strive for more love, harmony, peace and other positive elements. Accept that loss is part of life, and always be on the look-out for new opportunities. Have healthy eating habits.
written by Nyomi Graef
But above all you are requested to understand these true verses from the Holy Bible (this is for all mankind)
Do Not Worry

26″ If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about other matters?
27″ Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.
28″ But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you? You men of little faith!…

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!


What can nature teach us about being happy?-2

4. Be patient

When we plant seeds it takes time for them to grow shoots. Before the leaves start to show nothing seems to happen for a while, but things are going on beneath the surface of the soil. Like seeds, when we “sow” ideas and aim to be happier, it can take time to see results. Be patient.

5. Aim for balance in our lives

Nature thrives when it’s in balance. Plants and animals need enough water, nutrients and sunlight to flourish. Too much or too little and they can get ill and die; same with our bodies.

For extra happiness we need to balance how much food we eat, our body weight, stress levels and so on. High blood pressure, cholesterol and blood fats are a few signs that our bodies are out of balance.

Striking balance in our lives can be a challenge in our chaotic world. Here are some tips to help find balance.

Learn from those who are successful, happy and healthy. Ask them questions. Read their biographies or success stories. What philosophies do they have? What coping mechanisms do they use? What are they thinking, doing and believing that helps make them happy?

Find an area of your life that you’d like to have more balance in. Identify one or more ways that you could make it more balanced. Choose at least one way and put it into practice. Later on assess how successful it was. If necessary, do this with your other ideas.

6. Eat the way nature intended

I was listening to the news on the radio a few years ago when a vet came on air. He said that more and more dogs are becoming obese because their owners are feeding them junk food. He highlighted that junk food is not suitable for dogs and dog owners should not feed it to them.

As I’ve studied nutrition, I was very glad to hear this segment. I then wished a dietitian would come on the radio and say a similar sort of thing to parents about feeding their children junk food. “Scandal, junk food not suitable for dogs, but parents feed it to children!” is a headline I’d love to hear.
Our bodies are made to eat fruit, vegetables and other natural foods. Only in the last few decades have many societies started eating a lot of unhealthy and artificial foods.
A happy mind needs the right fuel. A balance of B vitamins, certain minerals, essential fats and so on can help make us happier. Not having enough omega-3 fats, for example, can cause depression.
UK nutritionist Patrick Holford discusses the link between food and mood in his book Optimum Nutrition for the Mind. He explains how healthy eating habits can raise IQ, enhance happiness, reduce aggression, and help treat and prevent mental health problems. Future articles on this website will cover happiness and nutrition in more detail.

7. Continue to grow

Life is abundant with growth. Plants grow. Animals grow. We grow – spiritually, mentally, physically… – to survive. Do not stagnate. Keep learning, growing and improving.
We should aim to keep growing no matter what age we are. My late grandfather did a college course aged in his 70s. He died shortly afterwards, so he didn’t have much time to use it, but as he did something he wanted to do before he died, he was a happier man because of it.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

What can nature teach us about being happy?-1

There is a Chinese proverb that says: “Whoever loves and understands a garden will find contentment within.” Now I often visit the zoo, which is set in beautiful gardens. While I’m there I can see that we can learn a lot about happiness from observing nature.

What are some tips we can learn? Here are my top 10.
1. Find and value our niche
2. Follow the light
3. Be adaptable
4. Be patient
5. Aim for balance in our lives
6. Eat the way nature intended
7. Continue to grow
8. Make time to rest
9. Make time to enjoy ourselves
10. Accept that loss is part of life

1. Find and value our niche

The animals and plants in a forest all have a purpose – a niche. In a balanced ecosystem they work together in harmony. When the balance is lost the system falls apart. Food chains are destroyed, animals become extinct and land degradation sets in.

Like plants and animals, each of us has a purpose for being here. If we took away jobs from society, the balance would be lost. Observe in the media what happens when school teachers, bus drivers or any other profession goes on strike for a while. Chaos!

Years ago I did some training to become a salesperson in a fitness club. During the training the instructor mentioned how he once spoke to a person who said he was “just a cleaner” in a school. The instructor told the cleaner that he is not “just a cleaner”. The instructor then pointed out that by cleaning away the rubbish, the cleaner was preventing children in the school from getting ill, and possibly dying from diseases, so he had an important job to do. The instructor mentioned how no one should understate their jobs, as all jobs are worthwhile. Saying we are “just a…” devalues ourselves and the importance of our jobs.

Sadly society often values people on things like their job, class, looks or wealth, and overlooks people’s kindness, compassion, generosity and other positive traits.

Be proud of whatever talents, skills and positive attributes that you have, however humble you perceive them to be. We are all needed.

2. Follow the light

Plants follow the light; they grow towards the sun. Without sunlight they die.

In a spiritual sense we can think of “the light” as love, harmony, peace and other positive elements. They help us soar to our true potential. They give our lives meaning. They can give us extra happiness.

Hatred, bitterness, jealousy and other negative feelings, however, waste energy, destroy creativity and can hinder our health, happiness and success.

Seek more of “the light” in our lives.

… The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God.”
– Anne Frank

3. Be adaptable

Nature is constantly changing. The seasons change. The climate changes. We change as we make the transition from children to adults.

Some people think that they are the way they are, so they don’t need to adapt to the changing environment and other inevitable changes in life. They might blame their relatives or childhood for how happy, healthy and successful they are, and use them as reasons not to change. “I’m always sad because my mother is always sad! It runs in the family.” This is not taking responsibility for our lives.

Accept that change is inevitable, so fighting it is pointless; it wastes vital energy and can lead to unhappiness. Rather than thinking of change as something to resent, view it with interest, and as a way to expand our lives and grow.

So what can we do to be adaptable? We might need to be retrained; perhaps overcome destructive old habits and replace them with new helpful ones; go on a stress management, cooking or parenting course. Whatever the changes are, being adaptable is vital for success, good health and extra happiness.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

The Greatest Secret-3

Therefore, if a minimum of 8,000 people got together in different parts of the world, in the comfort of their own homes, and meditated for just five minutes exactly at the same time, on the same thought, we could draw the attention of the universal body to us. Although, we won’t hit critical mass till about 4.5 million people meditated at the same time on the same thought. Why 4.5 million? This is the mean (or even median) of 8,000 and 9 million. That said, we can certainly start with 8,000 people.

I’m not suggesting that we use this wisdom to further individual causes (we could though). Instead, I propose that we meditate on global peace, prosperity and equality. Today, technology (read internet) makes it possible that a few million people can easily coordinate and sit down exactly at the same time to meditate towards a common cause.

We live in a time where an obscure video can get 100 million views in a matter of hours. And I believe there’s no lack of good people on our planet, people who want to make a difference to others. When we raise the level of global happiness, personal peace and prosperity will rise automatically. With more and more happy people around, our world will naturally become a better place.

If you like the idea then continue reading and join hands with me in this noble and global cause so we may contribute something back to the world and in the process enrich our own lives too.

The Pin Prick Effect

The idea is very simple. We need a minimum of 8,000 people who commit to a meditation of five minutes once a week. You can do it from anywhere — from home, office, park, while sitting in a car — anywhere at all really. It doesn’t cost a dime. All of us will begin and end our meditation at the same time, no matter where we are in the world. You don’t have to spend any money on anything, not even traveling. We’ll pick a topic and meditate for five minutes at an appointed time. I’ll be happy to put out an introductory video on how to meditate, and a guided meditation which we can change every 12 weeks.

My view is that the day we have 4.5 million people meditating together, it will mark the beginning of a quiet spiritual renaissance. It will bring marked changes not only in the lives of the participating meditators but also in the whole world. And one day in the future with 9 million meditators, we’ll be able to see the law of attraction in action at a global scale.

If 9 million people meditated together for your peace and happiness, you would see the difference in your life. It will certainly help the cause if you are one of those 9 million meditating on the well being of others too.

We are interdependent and interconnected. Our thoughts and actions have an impact on everyone else around us. We can use this insight and the power of collective meditation to make a difference.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

The Greatest Secret-2

Each one of us is a cell in the Universal Body. On our own, no matter how powerful one person is, our existence is infinitely smaller than the smallest number we can imagine. On a collective scale though, every individual is critical to the existence of universe. If every cell in our body gave up, the whole body will collapse in no time. Similarly, if all living beings gave up, it will have an unimaginable effect on the whole of creation.

Part 3 —Attracting the Universe

The law of attraction is based on seeking attention of the universal body. Its scale is infinitely larger than ours though — like an ant trying to stop an elephant in the tracks. What is a lifetime struggle for an average human being is simply but a momentary effort for the universal consciousness. One individual’s efforts or thoughts can’t bring a universal change. Though such change may well be triggered by one person but to make a sustainable or a profound impact requires collective consciousness. And, this brings me to the most important part of my thesis.

Have you ever realized that no matter how engrossed you may be, even a small mosquito bite can easily cause distraction? A tiny puncture by a needle, anywhere on our body, is enough to draw our attention. In much the same manner, to draw the attention of the universal body, we have to jab it (gently). One human being can’t do it single-handedly, it has to be a cooperative effort. If enough of us meditated on the same thing at the same time, we would attract universal consciousness to bring changes beyond imagination.

This raises an important question: how many meditators are required to cause the pin-prick effect on the universal body? The answer is an absolute minimum of 8,000 to a decent 9,000,000 people are required to cause a ripple in the universal consciousness. The more the merrier, of course. Here’s how I’ve arrived at this number (you can skip the next para if you don’t want numbers):

I’m beginning with the proposition that even a tiny prick of a pin causes a shift in our attention to the affected area. Other things being equal, if human body has 37 trillion cells and the point of a pin is .127mm in diameter then one 1 mm deep puncture will impact roughly 9 million cells. If I only consider skin cells (35 billion) in my calculation then a 1 mm puncture will affect about 8,000 cells. Since I’m not a theoretical physicist, I posed this question in a forum and a physicist was kind enough to provide a detailed answer. This number is derived based on his reply.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

The Greatest Secret-1

Most of us have read about the law of attraction and a great many among us must have wondered if it actually works. Is it really possible to attract wealth, love and peace etc. by merely thinking about it? Probably not. No doubt that everything begins with a thought but action is absolutely critical for realization of our dreams. Having said that, there are hundreds of millions out there who constantly think about and pray for change in their lives, they work very hard too, yet their life continues to go on as before. Why is it that even when you put in your best, your circumstances mostly remain the same?

Earlier in January this year, I wrote (here) that I would unearth a great secret for you. I mentioned becoming one with nature so you may expand your consciousness to an extraordinary scale. So that, each one of us, like a drop merging in ocean may become as vast and powerful as the ocean itself. One drop doesn’t make a sea but every drop is required or there’ll be no sea. Similarly, to gain the immensity of scale necessary to attract the universe, we have to tap into the collective consciousness. Before I sound any more complicated, allow me to explain the basis of my theory in three parts:

Part 1 — The Human Body

What is the human body made of? What if we go a step further than just flesh, bones and sinews? Our bodies are made up of billions of tiny cells. Researchers estimate that if calculated by volume, there are 37 trillion cells in the human body. This number can vary greatly (from 35 billion to 724 trillion) depending on the nature of the cells used for calculation. Skin cells, being sparser, are only about 35 billion, for example.

For argument’s sake, let’s say there are 37 trillion cells in our body. Each cell in our body has local intelligence. Every single cell, in some ways, is an independent unit in its own right. It has a membrane that functions quite like our brain. Just like we enjoy a degree of freedom and yet we are expected to operate within a legal or a social framework, our cells too, even though independent, are bound by the laws of nature. Human cells represent a balance of free will as well as an adherence to a biological system — our body.

Atoms make up cells, cells molecules, and molecules make up tissues. Tissues make up organs, organs organ systems, and organ systems in turn, make up an organism.

Part 2 — The Universal Body and Us

We are an exact replica of what surrounds us. There is roughly 70% water on earth and there’s 70% water in our body. There are countless stars in the universe, and we have countless pores on our skin. Everything we eat originates from nature, on this very planet. We don’t just depend on natural resources, we are a natural resource ourselves. We are nature. Together we, along with other species (animals, plants and algae), make up nature.

There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy and there are billions of galaxies in the universe. The interstellar space between planets and various galaxies is comparable to the interstitial space between our tissues and organs. We (all living species) are for the universe what cells are for our body — a fundamental building block.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

What in your opinion are the needs of a society?

Guruji : A violence-free society, disease-free body, conflict-free mind, prejudice-free intellect are the rights and need of every individual today. People sit with prejudice in their minds and this is a big problem in the world today. People who don’t even know you start talking about you. Hasn’t this happened to you? When you don’t even know someone and you talk about them, it has no value. We are wasting our energy doing this. Like this, we hold so many prejudices in our minds against different religions, castes, communities, genders, etc.
Gender equality should be respected. When it comes to Art & Culture, you see that there is gender equality.
Many many years ago, Lord Krishna danced upon the many hoods of the Kalia the demon snake. The snake Kalia had polluted and destroyed the River Yamuna so much because of his venom. Lord Krishna then destroyed the demon and brought relief and moksha (liberation) to the River Yamuna. Today, that same Krishna is present within you all, He is present in the form of all the saints present here today. And that Krishna today will say to the River Yamuna through you all, “O dear Mother Yamuna, now we will rescue you. We will bathe you and make you clean and pure once again”.
Usually it is the mother who bathes and cleanses the children. Unfortunately the situation today is that we have to clean our very mother (River Yamuna). It is everyone’s wish here that the cleaning of the River Yamuna should happen immediately and at the earliest. Is it not so? Do you all not want this?
The environment is our Prana. When we think of ourselves as composed of five layers or Panchakosha, then the very first sheath or layer – Annarasamaya Kosha – is the environment. This entire environment is the Annarasamaya Kosha (literally referring to the layer nourished and sustained by food). The entire world is full of Anna (nourishing food) and Rasa. Then the next layer is the physical body which I would compare to the Pranamaya Kosha (the layer sustained or inhabited by Prana). We can progress in life only when we keep the environment, the Annarasamaya Kosha pure and clean. We must always strive to leave this world in a much better state than the one we came into, for our own children and coming generations.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

Is God a Mathematician?-3

At the point of big bang there was no design, no harmony, no order. Now through billions of years of evolution we have ourselves – a feat of engineering and architecture of such sophistication that most of it (especially the human brain) is still beyond our grasp. Even a simple function like duplicating the work of kidneys (dialysis) is so clumsy and inefficient compared to the way normal kidneys function, is amazing. The small seed carries within itself the software of an entire tree. But if you cut open the seed and analyze, you won’t find that invisible programme that gives birth to a huge tree. Inside the seed is an intelligent design. Let me again emphasize with what I am trying to say with Einstein’s words: “The deeply emotional conviction of a presence of a superior reasoning power which is revealed in the universe, forms my idea of God”.

Some would say that mathematics is both an invention and a discovery. Discovery first and invention later. They say that mathematics is like a language like any other and hence a human invention. But we have already seen that this universe runs on mathematical principles and those principles would still be in motion and working even if we human beings become extinct. Numbers like 1,2 or 3 or symbols like + or – may be human concepts but the mathematical relations, though abstract, exist. Some other alien civilization may use mathematical concepts using entirely different symbols. What about the Greeks? Don’t they have a different alphabet? But the essential mathematical reality exists irrespective of the language. Language only describes what is, it doesn’t make up things.

So we find that the universe has been composed using the language of mathematics. After discovering that language we are able to make sense of the universe. We are also inventing our own variations of that language like adding to the vocabulary and creating new idioms and modes of expressions. But we should always remember with humility that we can study only a fragment of this vast universe at a time. The entire design (or mathematics) is simply beyond the grasp of the human intellect. If we knew the entire pattern then we would know the “mind of God”. That is not given to us. So is God a Mathematician or is Mathematics itself an attribute of God?

However, this should not be taken to mean that describing God as a mathematician is an attempt to define him. God is not only a mathematician but the Master Magician who spins this web of Maya; the Supreme Artiste who paints beauty on the canvas of the universe; the Virtuoso Musician who is the source of sound (Naad Brahma); the Lyrical Poet who composes the song of life; the Lord of Dance who is eternally present in the dance of life and death (Nataraja). He is all of these and much more about which we can never have complete knowledge. He has been amply praised in all his other roles. I wanted to praise him in his role of a mathematician as well. This is my homage to the Ultimate Mathematician.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

Is God a Mathematician?-2

For men like Spinoza and Einstein, this order, this harmony (or let’s say the laws of physics or the mathematical patterns) which expressed themselves in the various activities of the universe – was God. (Mathematics is God?) In this context, Einstein said: “I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings.” Also, Einstein wrote in one of his letters to Solovine, the Romanian philosopher and mathematician: “I have no better expression than ‘religious’ for this confidence in the rational nature of reality and in its being accessible, to some degree, to human reason. When this feeling is missing, science degenerates into mindless empiricism”.

Also consider that the quantum world which is beyond the reach of our senses and equipments, can be expressed only in mathematical terms. Why? The quantum world is a reality. We humans did not invent it but we can access it only through mathematics. Think about it! Doesn’t it point to something?

The fact is we are inhabiting a universe which is intelligent. It is not all blind chance, randomness and chaos. In fact chaos is what we should have if we rule out the possibility of an intelligent universe which works according to laws and patterns with mathematical precision. The relationship between energy and mass (E=mc²) is a mathematical relationship – not something that we have invented. It is not our language. It is the language of the universe. What Einstein referred to as the “rational nature of reality”.

Our problem is that we have not yet come to terms with our own Consciousness fully and science also has kept consciousness out of its domain. But the fact, whether we like it or not, whether we are able to handle it or not – consciousness is an essential part of this universe. The problem is as soon as we talk about an intelligent universe or consciousness – it usually veers towards an anthropomorphic god sitting somewhere in the heavens and controlling things from his high chair. Intellectual people, particularly scientists, have difficulty in accepting such a picture of god. Also at the same time we should not be blind to the fact that this universe RUNS ON INTELLIGENCE. Mathematician and philosopher Roger Penrose writes: “A scientific world view which does not profoundly come to terms with the problem of conscious minds can have no serious pretensions of completeness. Consciousness is part of our universe, so any physical theory which makes no proper place for it, falls fundamentally short of providing a genuine description of the world”.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

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